Reverend June Joplin fired from Lorne Park Baptist Church: A response from Rainbow Faith and Freedom

"God didn't create homophobia and transphobia, people did."

Toronto, Canada: July 23, 2020

Today, through various news outlets, Rainbow Faith and Freedom (RFF) has become aware that Reverend Junia ‘June’ Joplin, Pastor at Lorne Park Baptist Church in Mississauga, Ontario, has been fired from her position as pastor through a vote at the congregation following her coming out as a trans person.

We are deeply saddened. We are angered. We share the grief that June must be experiencing, and we are saddened by that.

We are saddened that once again, for those who are non-believers or those who hold religious doubt, that this is another moment to be dismayed and angry at the Christian church.

“We are saddened, as such events drive more and more people away from faith and faith communities. There is both personal and collective pain when such things as this happen”, explains Joe Jamieson, President of RFF.

Rainbow Faith and Freedom is a Canadian-based organization established to address religious-based homophobia and transphobia. Through changing hearts and minds, RFF hopes to improve the lives of LGBTQ2S people.

“What has happened to June is an example of the very religious-based homophobia and transphobia that have caused pain and vulnerability to the LGBTQ2S community”, notes Reverend Dr Brent Hawkes, Founder and Executive Director of RFF.  

This is not what the message of Christianity is about. The Christian message, like all major faith expressions, is about love, inclusion, and seeing the Divine in each and every person.

Our message is that we walk in solidarity with June, and we see God’s image reflected in her.

Psalm 139 (14) in scripture affirms that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. We remind her, and everyone reading these words, that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.

We stand in solidarity with you and we are saddened by religious-based transphobia showing up once again.


Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes C.M

Founder and Executive Director

Rainbow Faith and Freedom


Joe Jamieson

President of the Board

Rainbow Faith and Freedom

(Download a PDF of this press release.)