Join us in Celebrating Reverend Doctor Brent Hawkes’ 70th Birthday
Our Founder, Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes, is celebrating his 70th birthday on June 2, 2020. We are grateful for all of Rev. Dr. Hawkes’ work in the field of human rights over so many years, so please join us in celebrating this auspicious occasion!
To mark this important milestone, Rev. Dr. Hawkes has asked us to consider donating or pledging to Rainbow Faith & Freedom in lieu of birthday presents or a party. (Though we might have an in-person party some time in the future when it’s appropriate to do so!)
Please enjoy this special video message from Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes, and the President of our Board of Directors, Joe Jamieson, as well as the letter from Rev. Dr. Hawkes below.
Thank you for celebrating with us!
Happy 70th birthday, Rev. Dr. Hawkes!
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I hope you’re keeping well. I know that this is a really difficult and stressful time for many of you. As the economy is beginning to reopen, Rainbow Faith and Freedom (RFF) has, as an organization, looked at ways to continue our work to fulfill our vision and mission.
To celebrate my 70th birthday on June 2nd and decades of human rights work, in lieu of birthday gifts, my birthday wish is to raise $70,000 for RFF. I have made a pledge to support the work of RFF, and would like to encourage you to do the same to help make our organization’s mission and vision a reality, internationally and in Canada.
Thank you to all of you who have supported RFF so far. You have helped to strengthen the organization and build our capacity. In the last year, I have been involved in some exciting work with RFF, including:
My appointment by the Board as RFF’s Executive Director.
Visits to Ottawa where I represented RFF at Dignity Network round table conferences, attended LGBTQI2S human rights events and had meetings where I made some crucial connections for RFF’s work with our Canadian and International pillars.
Two trips to Geneva (sponsored by Global Affairs Canada), representing Canada on panels and profiling the work of RFF. I participated in side panels with the UN HRC and had a meeting and presentation with the Permanent Mission of Canada in Geneva. I also met with other groups while I was there e.g. Faith for Rights, UN Globe (an organization that fights for the equality and non-discrimination of LGBTQI staff in the UN system and its peacekeeping operations), Global Interfaith Network, and Human Rights Watch.
A trip to Washington, DC where I participated in the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom and attended the Human Rights Campaign Equality Forum co-hosted by Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Campaign.
We hired a part time Administrative Coordinator this year.
We attained Not-For-Profit status in 2019 and have applied for Charitable Status.
Establishing partnerships with Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, Global Justice Institute, and Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto.
We now have several teams in place: Board of Directors, Volunteer Team, Communications Team, Technology Team, Finance Team, Fundraising Team and Strategic Partnerships Team.
Our website was launched in 2019.
We received government funding (through Egale) for 8 weeks to hire a summer youth person and extended her contract to the end of 2019.
It has been an exciting journey!
Our fundraising goal for 2020 is $250,000. To date, RFF has raised approximately 35% of our budget in confirmed donations. Based on current pledge projections, by year end we will raise 70% of our 2020 budget. The fulfillment of my wish to raise $70,000 for my 70th birthday on June 2nd will account for the additional 30%.
So in honour of my birthday, we have the following suggested donation options: $7, $70, $700 or $7,000. However, any amount you’re willing to donate is very much appreciated. While we are emphasizing recurring monthly pledges, please know that one-time donations are very much appreciated.
Please keep in mind that our global initiative to confront religious-based homophobia and improve the human and equality rights of LGBTI people everywhere is developing very quickly. Through our three pillars of activity – strategic nation-focused programming, faith-based resources, and domestic faith-based initiatives, we are working to inspire faith communities and families to be safe places for LGBTI people by changing the hearts and minds of individuals around the world.
According to a recent national survey, the COVID-19 crisis has had a unique impact on Canada’s LGBTQI2S community ( A few highlights include:
LGBTQI2S community reported greater current and expected impacts of COVID-19 on their physical and mental health, and overall quality of life.
42% of the LGBTQI2S community reported significant impacts on their mental health in the current situation compared to 30% of non-LGBTQI2S people. The expected significant impact on mental health in 2 months time rises to 58% for the LGBTQI2S community compared to 42% of non-LGBTQI2S people.
LGBTQI2S respondents are about 10% more likely to report being in self isolation than non-LGBTQI2S people (58% vs. 49%)
By changing hearts and minds, RFF is helping to address the root causes of inequality to help some of the most vulnerable groups in Canada and around the world.
To pledge/donate online please see the “Make a Donation” section above. Charitable tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more per calendar year will be provided (in partnership with Egale).
Everyone who makes a monthly pledge that begins in 2020 will have the opportunity to be listed as part of our Founders Circle. Thank you for responding as generously as you can to support RFF today!
Please share this with your friends and contacts who may be interested. We look forward to coming together with the community when it is safe to do so.
Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes, C.M.
Founder & Executive Director, Rainbow Faith and Freedom