Care Of: Letters, Connections, Cures by Ivan Coyote


Care Of: Letters, Connections, Cures by Ivan Coyote


Ivan Coyote’s latest book, Care of: Letters, Connections and Cures, originated from the limitations of a COVID-19 lockdown. Performing across the world in front of thousands of people for over a dozen years, Coyote has received many thoughtful and heartbreaking letters, which the author filed away for when they had time to send a proper reply. So as COVID hit, Coyote began replying to the scores of letters, and with the exchanges, ruminated on navigating nonbinary identities, queer elderhood, religious shame, and reckoning with how parents (mis)understand their children. Care of is moving and a perfect read for remembering the incredible community of queerness across the world, which Coyote adores and cherishes in these pages. Coyote writes to queer youth “That they are blessed, holy and sacred no matter who they love or who they are.” The book is gorgeous to listen to in audio form as well, as it is read by the verbally gifted Coyote. For reflections on spirituality, pay special attention to Chapter Two: Your Kate and Chapter Nine: All of You.

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