Coming Home to Catholicism and to Self by the Human Rights Campaign

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Coming Home to Catholicism and to Self by the Human Rights Campaign


Despite the Catholic Church hierarchy's anti-LGBTQ+ stances, Catholics of good conscious are giving hope to countless longing to hear that their Church embraces and accepts them.

All across the United States, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people are having important conversations about the role of faith in our lives. Despite the Catholic Church hierarchy's anti-LGBTQ+ stances, Catholics of good conscious are giving hope to countless longing to hear that their Church embraces and accepts them.

This guide is aimed at LGBTQ+ American Catholics who hope to lead their faith communities toward a more welcoming stance, and those seeking a path back to their beloved tradition. Because Catholicism is built upon its own complex history and doctrine, these pages will offer general, overarching insights and suggestions. The hope is always to spark new ideas, new dialogue and new courage.

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