Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes keynote address at the 2nd World LGBTQ conference for criminal justice professionals

In August of 2016, the Dutch National Police held the 1st World LGBTQ Conference for Criminal Justice Professional. The conference was well attended by members of police organizations, public prosecution services and departments of justice from 26 countries and six continents. 250 international criminal justice professionals came together to be inspired on how to proactively contribute to the betterment of human rights for LGBTQ citizens in their respective countries and organizations.

This year, Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes gave a keynote address at the 2nd World LGBTQ Conference for Criminal Justice Professionals. Click here to listen!

Parliament of the World's Religions Comes to Toronto; First LGBTI Room Opened

Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes discusses the Parliament of World’s Religions meeting in Toronto in November, 2018 and including LGBTI programming for the first time. A Rainbow Lounge was opened, and there was even a same-sex, interfaith engagement ceremony!