On behalf of the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality, Brent was invited to and attended an LGBTQ government funding announcement re event at the Daniels Spectrum Centre in Toronto.
The announcement included a panel discussion about how investing in LGBTQ2 organizations will help strengthen our communities and improve our ability to address ongoing barriers facing LGBTQ2 people across Canada. Highlights included:
$400,000 EGALE to set up a research hub to gather data on LGBTQ2 issues.
$100,000 to enable a national gathering of Trans and non binary individuals to explore the provincial discrepancies and how a possible national trans organization might look like and sharing best practices from across Canada.
Funding opportunities for RFF are being explored.
Left to Right - Rob Oliphant-Chrissy Taylor-Alicia Kazobinka-Helen Kennedy-Randy Boissonault-Brent Hawkes-Olena Semenova-Michelle Emson