The twelfth instalment in a year-long series of posts by RFF Founder & Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes, on the origins, mandate and work of the organization.
Homophobia and transphobia have impacted every institution of society throughout history, and while religion is not immune from this, it is reasonable to expect a higher standard for religion because the central value for all of the major world religions is compassion. Religion can be either an obstacle or an asset at expanding human rights for LGBTI people. The most obvious is the degree to which religion is an obstacle to the full inclusion of LGBTI people in society. A religious attack requires a religious response, and the LGBTI community needs more training and strategizing around how to confront a religious attack.
Also, seeing religion as the enemy has added difficulty to the lives of LGBTI people of faith. We are both attacked by the religious right and often ostracized within the LGBTI community because of our association to faith and religion. A key response to both of these situations is to empower LGBTI people of faith to be viewed as an important part of the struggle to achieve equality. As we effectively step up, the broader LGBTI human rights movement will trust us and embrace us more. LGBTI people have historically had to choose between their spirituality and their sexuality, a choice no one should have to make.
According to the Global Philanthropy Project, funding for spirituality is the most underfunded of the various strategies employed to achieve equality. RFF is uniquely positioned to address the above issues. We can be that voice counteracting the religious attack, we can empower LGBTI people of faith to be effective spokespersons. We can train LGBTI organizations on how to respond to the religious attacks. And we can participate in the longer term strategy of building religious support and transforming religious opposition.
Our goal at RFF is to try to raise monthly pledges to achieve our vision. With monthly donations, we can better plan and budget for our various programs. This is an opportunity for LGBTI people in North America who are concerned about international LGBTI human rights to help make a difference through financial support. It’s also an opportunity for people in Canada to contribute if they want Canada to do better, and an opportunity for people of a certain faith traditions who want their faith to do better in Canada or other countries. We’re also seeking government and foundation grants, and targeted fundraising campaigns for one-off donations and pledges. We will be reaching out to the Canadian diaspora in the countries we will be working with, to help us with fundraising. We’ll also be seeking support from various faith communities in Canada (churches, synagogues, mosques etc.) Tax receipts will be provided in Canada and the US. For donations outside North America, we’re looking for partner organizations that can help us issue tax receipts.